Promoting Food & Nutrition Security

Women Empowerment

Building Climate Resilience

Youth Climate Champions

Promoting Sustainable WASH Services


Our Vision

A resilient & equitable society where citizens lead dignified & prosperous lives.

Our Mission

LASOONA’s mission is to empower disadvantaged & at-risk communities to recover from shocks & crises, manage their resources sustainably & equitably, & are able to break the cycle of poverty.

Our Programme Focus

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Promotion (WASH)
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Promotion (WASH)

Program Goal: The deprived women, men, girls and boys have improved access to…

Climate Change and Environmental Management
Climate Change and Environmental Management

Program Goal: Responding to the challenges of global climate change: enhancing resilience and…

Food Security & Sustainable Livelihoods
Food Security & Sustainable Livelihoods

Program Goal To improve food security, nutrition and livelihood status of the marginalized…

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

Program Goal: To increase resilience of hazard prone communities and institutions to better…

Local Governance
Local Governance

Program Goal: To contribute to improved governance, right based development processes and social…

Humanitarian Response
Humanitarian Response

Program Goal: Minimize human losses and sufferings in natural disasters and complex emergencies.…

Our Partners

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