National Humanitarian Network

A volunteer network “to act as an independent and vibrant voice to engage with stakeholders throughout Pakistan for promotion of humanitarian values by influencing policies and building capacities to ensure right based humanitarian response.

Start Network

Start Network’s vision is for a locally led humanitarian system that is accountable to people affected by and at risk of crises. LASOONA is member of Start Network (READY Pakistan Hub). The Pakistan Hub, also known as READY Pakistan, aims to create a proactive, resilient, people-centred, locally led, and innovative humanitarian ecosystem.

Human Resource Development Network

HRDN is a membership-based network of national and international NGOs and individual professionals. Promoting sustainable development, strengthening individual and institutional capacities and improving governance.

Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy

The Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy is an independent not-for-profit support organisation based in Islamabad, Pakistan.

Scaling Up Nutrition

We work to realize the vision of a world free from malnutrition in all its forms, by 2030. Since 2010, the SUN Movement has inspired a new way of working collaboratively to end malnutrition, in all its forms. With the governments of SUN Countries in the lead, it unites people—from civil society, the United Nations, donors, businesses and researchers—in a collective effort to improve nutrition.

CHS Alliance

The CHS Alliance is a global alliance of humanitarian and development organisations committed to making aid work better for people. The Alliance was formed in 2015 by bringing together the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) International, which focused on accountability to affected people, and People in Aid, which focused on people management in the humanitarian aid and development sectors. The Alliance headquartered in Geneva and maintain a presence in London.