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What We Do


Pure Water & Foods

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic.


Build Home & Medical

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic.


Make Donation & Education

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic.


Fun Facts



People Rised




Poor People Saved


Country Member

Thematic Programs

Program Goal: The deprived women, men, girls and boys have improved access to water and sanitation services in rural and urban area. Program Objectives: To promote positive WASH practices including adoptive social norms and demand for WASH services amongst more women, men, boys and girls. To enhance capacities of duty bearers in delivery of equitable, gender responsive WASH services to right holders. To support civil society to advocate and lobby with government counterparts to prioritize WASH sector through effective campaigning. [...] Read more...
Program Goal: Responding to the challenges of global climate change: enhancing resilience and supporting adaptation of communities Program Objectives: Enhanced resilience of vulnerable communities to adapt to the impacts of climate variations. Vulnerable groups access to information and participation in environmental management processes is ensured by promoting community based bio diversity conservation. [...] Read more...
Program Goal To improve food security, nutrition and livelihood status of the marginalized communities through enterprise development, integrated agriculture.  Program Objectives: To improve food security situation of resource poor households in terms of availability, access and utilization of food. To improve nutrition status of PLW and children through education and awareness. To improve on-farm productivity through best agriculture practices, rehabilitation and development of small-scale infrastructure.  To increase and broaden the range of income generating options particularly for low income groups in order to enhance food security. To improve health status of women and children and enhance enrollment of out of school children.  [...] Read more...
Program Goal: To increase resilience of hazard prone communities and institutions to better prepare for, mitigate and response to disasters. Program Objectives: Empower vulnerable communities in high risk areas with resources and capacities to prepare for, respond and recover from disaster. Build capacities and promote coordination among civil society to nurture inclusive and harmonized CBDRM approaches. Strengthen capacities of duty bearers for improved disaster preparedness, mitigation and response. [...] Read more...
Program Goal: To contribute to improved governance, right based development processes and social cohesion in Pakistan. Program Objectives: To create enabling environment for citizens to claim their rights and entitlements. To promote tolerance, pluralism, respect for diversity and social harmonies in citizens through awareness raising, capacity building and creating opportunities of dialogue and engagements. To reduce trust deficit through improving state citizen relationship with particular focus on participatory inclusive and development responsive governance. Promote universal human rights during implementation of LASOONA thematic areas through building capacities of stakeholders on right based solutions. [...] Read more...
Program Goal: Minimize human losses and sufferings in natural disasters and complex emergencies. Program Objectives: To provide emergency, relief and rehabilitation services to the communities to quickly recover from disasters. To reduce the risks of loss of life, injuries, economic cost and destruction of natural and cultural resources that result from disaster. [...] Read more...

Funding Facts


Our Leaders

For Humanity

Event Showcase


Become A Proud Volunteer

Our team really needs volunteers. Those who are willing and have the desire to help those in need. If you are young, active and ready to change the world for the better, we look forward to seeing you own design is my main power.

The dedication and the charity work of volunteers from Neumette organization are doing worldwide can’t be underes- timated. We cooperated with them a year ago during a conflict in Syria, and their team members offered.


Client Feedbacks

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.

Jeams H. Andar

Founder, Cichu Co.

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.

Kirani K. Kados

Founder, Cichu Co.

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.

Irairani I. Lados

Chairman, CEO

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.

Hirani M. Dados

Founder, Cichu Co.

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.

Mirani H. Bados

Founder, Cichu Co.