Mr. Mazullah Khan

  • December 27, 2022

Member- Board of Directors Mr. Mazullah Khan is a senior professional with more than 30 years experience. He has provided his services to the Agriculture Research Institute for many years and currently working as Vegetable Seed Specialist with AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center. He elected as BoD member in 2016

Mr. Shad Muhammad Khan

  • December 27, 2022

Chairman- Board of Directors Mr. Shad Muhammad Khan is a development professional with more than 28 years of experience in leadership and senior management roles especially in the thematic areas of rural development, Agribusiness, Economic Growth and promotion of prIvate sector. He has worked for different development projects funded

Mr. Haider Ali Khan

  • December 27, 2022

Member- Board of Directors Mr. Haider Ali is a forester and development specialist. He has more than 30 years of experience working in the public and development sector. He is graduated from the Pakistan Forest Institute- Pakistan and also did his MS from the US. 

Mr. Jan Mohammad Khan

  • December 27, 2022

Mr. Jan Mohammad holds Master (Hons) in Agriculture with over 25 years of first hand diverse experience in areas of project management, agriculture development, training, social mobilization, institutional development, livelihood, value chain and integrated natural resource management. Having experience of work with government sector, international NGOs and bilateral projects.

Climate Resilient WASH Project

  • December 11, 2022

  Thematic Area: Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Promotion (WASH)   Project Period: Jan 2020 -Dec. 2024   Donor Agency: Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)/NORAD   Project Locations: District Swat Project Description: Project Goal: Diverse, resilient and empowered communities to lead climate action for a discernible improvement in the quality of their

Emergency WASH and Shelter Assistance to flood affected people

  • December 1, 2022

  Thematic Area: Humanitarian Response   Project Period: September-December, 2022   Donor Agency: NCA/NORAD/DCA   Project Locations: District Swat Project Description: Alleviate human suffering by providing immediate life-saving WASH & shelter assistance to communities affected by floods in District Swat The intervention will aim to provide access to safe

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Promotion (WASH)

  • November 15, 2022

Program Goal: The deprived women, men, girls and boys have improved access to water and sanitation services in rural and urban area. Program Objectives: To promote positive WASH practices including adoptive social norms and demand for WASH services amongst more women, men, boys and girls. To enhance capacities of

Climate Change and Environmental Management

  • October 29, 2022

Program Goal: Responding to the challenges of global climate change: enhancing resilience and supporting adaptation of communities Program Objectives: Enhanced resilience of vulnerable communities to adapt to the impacts of climate variations. Vulnerable groups access to information and participation in environmental management processes is ensured by promoting community based