- By Admin
- December 1, 2013

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)

December, 2013-November, 2014

Swiss Intercooperation/SDC

Distt. Swat, KP
Project Description:
Water borne diseases after flood caused serious difficulties as according to the recently conducted detailed Risk Assessment by LASOONA in tehsil Bahrain, around 48 percent adults inflicted diarrohea. Children bore the brunt as well and around 20% got sick due to diarrohea. The prime reason behind was inaccessibility to clean drinking water and unhygienic practices. Assessment data reveals that 55% of the total population has no access to clean drinking water, 36% fetch water from open unprotected source, while only a negligible number of people i.e. 5% collect water from protected sources. The water and sanitation related situation significantly got worse after the devastating flood of July 2010 as majority water supply schemes were washed away by flood water.
In order to address the problems associated with water and hygiene in the two target union coiuncils, Bahrain and Miandam, the project will initiate construction of disaster resilient water supply schemes. The overall goal of the project is to improve the health of local population through rehabilitation of disaster resilient water resources especially extremely vulnerable people affected by floods of 2010. The project will benefit 579 households (3527 individuals) in terms of safe and clean drinking water and changing traditional risk behaviours through community and school based hygiene promotion campaigns. The project will have far reaching impacts on health statuses of women, children, elderly and people with disabilities.
Overall goal
The health situation of the population in village Old Bahrain and Kal Miandam has improved.
Incidence of water-borne diseases has declined as a result of better access to drinking water of improved quality.
Outcome 1
Targeted communities has increased access to improved quality of Water to meet their drinking needs through disaster resilient and well- functioning water supply schemes
Outputs (per outcome 1)
Output 1: An improved Gravity-Fed Water Supply System is in place.
Output 2: water user committee is functioning and manages their water supply.
Output 3: Good Hygiene Practices and house hold water treatment (SODIS, Boiling etc) are exhibited by the targeted community
Outcome 2
The targeted community has increased understanding and technical competences relating to O & M of improved water supply scheme
Outputs (per outcome 2)
Output 4: Water supply is managed by the selected community members